Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Learn About Flex Hero and Flash Builder Burrito Beta Preview has just released a training course entitled Flex "Hero" and Flash Builder "Burrito" Beta Preview. This 2-hour course by James Talbot gives you an in-depth tour of the first version of this Flash-based development platform to be targeted at mobile development. Youll look at the basics of creating and testing an app and get to know the new features in Flash Builder for development and debugging on Android, and the new code generation features, such as templates and Quick Assist, which will help increase productivity.

For $25, you get 1-month unlimited access to not just this training course, but all of Lynda.coms 50,000+ video tutorials. No long-term commitment required. You can cancel your membership at any time. Visitors of this site can avail of a 7-day FREE trial to Lyndas online training library that contains thousands of videos.

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Title: Flex "Hero" and Flash Builder "Burrito" Beta Preview
Instructor: James Talbot
  1. Preparing for Mobile Development
    • Downloading and configuring the software on a PC
    • Installing and configuring the software on a Mac
    • Installing AIR on a device
    • Using the Android emulator
  2. Building a Mobile Application
    • Creating and testing a mobile project
    • Testing the application on a device and on the Android emulator
    • Understanding mobile application views
    • Accessing remote data from the mobile application
    • Switching views in the mobile application
    • Using a mobile icon item renderer
    • Creating a detail view
  3. Productivity Enhancements in Flash Builder "Burrito"
    • Using code templates
    • Metadata code completion
    • Using the Override/Implement Methods dialog
    • Using Quick Assist
    • Using the "generate from usage" feature
    • Using round-trip graphics editing with Flash Catalyst

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Here are a few sample videos from the training title:


The Android Emulator

Creating the Detail View

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