Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Creating a Flex AIR text editor Part 32

In this tutorial we will add support for undoing and redoing cut and paste operations.

The Cut and Paste operations are made from scratch in our application, so naturally the built in undo and redo functions dont work with them. No worries, though! The UndoManager class is very versatile, we can create our own operation classes for practically anything. Lets do this.

Create a new class file, InsertOperation.as. Its a class which implements the IOperation interface and has 3 functions - the constructor, performUndo() and performRedo(). When the operation is added to the flow, it stays there and when needed, its performUndo and performRedo functions are called, where we write the code that we want to be executed when the operation should be undone or redone.

Create 6 private variables - previousText, currentText, textArea, previousSelectedActive, previousSelectedAnchor and currentRange.

The variables are going to store the text values and the selection values of the previous and current (updated/fresh/new) text data, as well as a reference to the text area itself. In the constructor, we capture these values from the parameter and set them to the variables.

We use the performUndo() function to set the text areas text value to the previous text (the one that was there before the operation was executed) and select the previous selected range. On preformRedo(), we set the text value to the current value and select the new selection range.

package  {

import flashx.undo.IOperation;
import spark.components.TextArea;

public class InsertOperation implements IOperation {

private var previousText:String;
private var currentText:String;
private var textArea:TextArea;
private var previousSelectedActive:int;
private var previousSelectedAnchor:int;
private var currentRange:int;

public function InsertOperation(_previousText:String, _currentText:String, _textArea:TextArea, _previousSelectedActive:int, _previousSelectedAnchor:int, _currentRange:int) {
previousText = _previousText;
currentText = _currentText;
textArea = _textArea;
previousSelectedActive = _previousSelectedActive;
previousSelectedAnchor = _previousSelectedAnchor;
currentRange = _currentRange;

public function performUndo():void {
textArea.text = previousText;
textArea.selectRange(previousSelectedAnchor, previousSelectedActive);

public function performRedo():void {
textArea.text = currentText;
textArea.selectRange(currentRange, currentRange);

Go to the main file, find insertText function. Here we will add a few lines of code that will send an InsertOperation instance to the undoManager operation flow, while passing all the necessary data as the parameters. Also, call textChange() function in the end of insertText():

private function insertText(str:String):void {
var substrPositions:int = textArea.selectionActivePosition - textArea.selectionAnchorPosition;
var oldSel1:int = (substrPositions>0)?(textArea.selectionAnchorPosition):(textArea.selectionActivePosition);
var oldSel2:int = (substrPositions<0)?(textArea.selectionAnchorPosition):(textArea.selectionActivePosition);
var preText:String = textArea.text.substring(0, oldSel1);
var postText:String = textArea.text.substring(oldSel2);
var newSelectRange:int = preText.length + str.length;
var newText:String = preText + str + postText;

var operation:InsertOperation = new InsertOperation(textArea.text, newText, textArea, textArea.selectionActivePosition, textArea.selectionAnchorPosition, newSelectRange);

textArea.text = newText;
textArea.selectRange(newSelectRange, newSelectRange);

We now need to update doUndo() and doRedo(). When we perform the Undo operation, we need to add the operation weve undone to the redo flow, and otherwise in the doRedo function:

private function doUndo():void {

private function doRedo():void {

However, this is only required to do with the new InsertOperation operation types, becuase otherwise it is done by default anyway. Because of this, we can now undo and redo cuts and pastes, but, guess what! The normal text changes cant be undone and redone like you think theyd be.

This is a pretty common thing in programming - if you have 10 bugs in the code, fix one, and now you have 15 bugs in the code...

For now, we can go ahead and remove the line that is responsible for setting our undo manager object as the interaction manager of the text area in the init() function, leaving just this:

// Undo management
undoManager = new UndoManager();

One final thing that well do today is set focus to the text area in the textChange() function, because it sometimes goes off:

private function textChange():void{
canUndo = undoManager.canUndo();
canRedo = undoManager.canRedo();

Full code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
creationComplete="init();" title="Kirpad" showStatusBar="{pref_status}"
minWidth="400" minHeight="200" height="700" width="900">

<mx:FlexNativeMenu dataProvider="{windowMenu}" showRoot="false" labelField="@label" keyEquivalentField="@key" itemClick="menuSelect(event);" />

import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.NativeWindowBoundsEvent;
import flash.net.SharedObject;
import flashx.textLayout.accessibility.TextAccImpl;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.controls.TextArea;
import mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
import flash.system.System;
import flash.desktop.Clipboard;
import flash.desktop.ClipboardFormats;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
import mx.events.CloseEvent;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
import flash.events.ContextMenuEvent;
import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
import mx.printing.FlexPrintJob;
import mx.printing.FlexPrintJobScaleType;
import flashx.undo.UndoManager;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.UndoOperation;

private var preferences:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("kirpadPreferences");
private var pref_wrap:Boolean = true;
private var pref_status:Boolean = true;
private var pref_toolbar:Boolean = true;
private var pref_sidepane:Boolean = true;
private var pref_linecount:Boolean = true;
public var pref_fontsettings:Object = new Object();

private var initHeight:Number;
private var heightFixed:Boolean = false;

private var statusMessage:String;
private var textHeight:Number;
private var textWidth:Number;
private var textY:Number;
private var textX:Number;
private var tabY:Number;
private var sidePaneY:Number;
private var sidePaneX:Number;
private var sidePaneHeight:Number;
private var sidePaneWidth:Number = 180;
private var sideContentWidth:Number = 170;
private var tabWidth:Number;
private var lineCountWidth:Number = 40;
private var lineNumbers:String = "1";
private var lineDisplayedNum:int = 1;

private var tabSelectedIndex:int = 0;

private var canUndo:Boolean = false;
private var canRedo:Boolean = false;

private var previousIndex:int = 0;
private var rightclickTabIndex:int = 0;
private var untitledNum:int = 0;
private var tabsToClose:int = 0;
private var closeAfterConfirm:Boolean = false;

public var fontWindow:FontWindow = new FontWindow();
private var undoManager:UndoManager;

private function init():void {
// Create a listener for every frame
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, everyFrame);

// Set initHeight to the initial height value on start
initHeight = height;

// Set preferences if loaded for the first time
if (preferences.data.firsttime == null) {
preferences.data.firsttime = true;
preferences.data.wrap = false;
preferences.data.status = true;
preferences.data.toolbar = true;
preferences.data.sidepane = true;
preferences.data.linecount = true;
preferences.data.fontsettings = {fontfamily:"Lucida Console", fontsize:14, fontstyle:"normal", fontweight:"normal", fontcolor:0x000000, bgcolor:0xffffff};

// Set preferences loaded from local storage
pref_wrap = preferences.data.wrap;
pref_status = preferences.data.status;
pref_toolbar = preferences.data.toolbar;
pref_sidepane = preferences.data.sidepane;
pref_fontsettings = preferences.data.fontsettings;
pref_linecount = preferences.data.linecount;

// Allow insertion of tabs
var textFlow:TextFlow = textArea.textFlow;
var config:Configuration = Configuration(textFlow.configuration);
config.manageTabKey = true;

// Set status message
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] Kirpad initialized";

// Close all sub-windows if main window is closed
addEventListener(Event.CLOSING, onClose);

// Add listener for the event that is dispatched when new font settings are applied
fontWindow.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, fontChange);

// Update real fonts with the data from the settings values

// Create a listener for resizing
addEventListener(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE, onResize);

// Context menu declaration for the tabbar control
var cm_close:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Close tab");
cm_close.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, tabContextClose);
var cm_closeother:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Close other tabs");
cm_closeother.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, tabContextCloseOther);

var cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
cm.items = [cm_close, cm_closeother];
tabBar.contextMenu = cm;
tabBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN, tabRightClick);

// Context menu declaration for the tab management list control
sideList.contextMenu = cm;
sideList.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN, listRightClick);

// Listen to keyboard
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);

// Undo management
undoManager = new UndoManager();

private function menuSelect(evt:FlexNativeMenuEvent):void {
(evt.item.@label == "New")?(doNew()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Word wrap")?(pref_wrap = !pref_wrap):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Cut")?(doCut()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Copy")?(doCopy()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Paste")?(doPaste()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Select all")?(doSelectall()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Status bar")?(pref_status = !pref_status):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Tool bar")?(pref_toolbar = !pref_toolbar):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Side pane")?(pref_sidepane = !pref_sidepane):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Line count")?(pref_linecount = !pref_linecount):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Font...")?(doFont()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Print")?(doPrint()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Undo")?(doUndo()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Redo")?(doRedo()):(void);
if (pref_wrap) {
pref_linecount = false;

private function savePreferences():void {
preferences.data.wrap = pref_wrap;
preferences.data.status = pref_status;
preferences.data.toolbar = pref_toolbar;
preferences.data.fontsettings = pref_fontsettings;
preferences.data.sidepane = pref_sidepane;
preferences.data.linecount = pref_linecount;

private function doCut():void {
var selectedText:String = textArea.text.substring(textArea.selectionActivePosition, textArea.selectionAnchorPosition);

private function doCopy():void {
var selectedText:String = textArea.text.substring(textArea.selectionActivePosition, textArea.selectionAnchorPosition);

private function doPaste():void{
var myClip:Clipboard = Clipboard.generalClipboard;
var pastedText:String = myClip.getData(ClipboardFormats.TEXT_FORMAT) as String;

private function doSelectall():void {

private function insertText(str:String):void {
var substrPositions:int = textArea.selectionActivePosition - textArea.selectionAnchorPosition;
var oldSel1:int = (substrPositions>0)?(textArea.selectionAnchorPosition):(textArea.selectionActivePosition);
var oldSel2:int = (substrPositions<0)?(textArea.selectionAnchorPosition):(textArea.selectionActivePosition);
var preText:String = textArea.text.substring(0, oldSel1);
var postText:String = textArea.text.substring(oldSel2);
var newSelectRange:int = preText.length + str.length;
var newText:String = preText + str + postText;

var operation:InsertOperation = new InsertOperation(textArea.text, newText, textArea, textArea.selectionActivePosition, textArea.selectionAnchorPosition, newSelectRange);

textArea.text = newText;
textArea.selectRange(newSelectRange, newSelectRange);

private function cursorFix():void{
Mouse.cursor = "ibeam";

private function everyFrame(evt:Event):void {
if (!heightFixed && height==initHeight) {
height = initHeight - 20;
if (height != initHeight) {
heightFixed = true;

private function onResize(evt:ResizeEvent):void {

private function updateTextSize():void {
tabY = (toolBar.visible)?(toolBar.height):(0);
textX = (pref_linecount)?(lineCountWidth):(0);
var statusHeight:Number = (pref_status)?(statusBar.height):(0);
textWidth = (pref_sidepane)?(width - sidePaneWidth - textX):(width - textX);
tabWidth = textWidth + textX;
var tabbarScrollHeight:Number = (tabData.length * 170 > tabWidth)?(15):(0);
textY = tabBar.height + tabY + tabbarScrollHeight;
textHeight = height - textY - statusHeight;
sidePaneHeight = textHeight + tabBar.height + tabbarScrollHeight;
sidePaneY = textY - tabBar.height - tabbarScrollHeight;
sidePaneX = width - sidePaneWidth;

private function updateStatus():void {
var str:String = new String();
str = (pref_wrap)?("Word wrapping on"):(caretPosition());
status = str + " " + statusMessage;

private function caretPosition():String {
var pos:int = textArea.selectionActivePosition;
var str:String = textArea.text.substring(0, pos);
var lines:Array = str.split("
var line:int = lines.length;
var col:int = lines[lines.length - 1].length + 1;

return "Ln " + line + ", Col " + col;

private function doFont():void{
fontWindow.visible = true;
fontWindow.setValues(pref_fontsettings.fontsize, pref_fontsettings.fontfamily, pref_fontsettings.fontstyle, pref_fontsettings.fontweight, pref_fontsettings.fontcolor, pref_fontsettings.bgcolor);

private function onClose(evt:Event):void {
var allWindows:Array = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows;
for (var i:int = 1; i < allWindows.length; i++)

// Check if there are any unsaved tabs
var needSaving:Boolean = false;
tabsToClose = 0;

for (var u:int = 0; u < tabData.length; u++) {
if (tabData[u].saved == false) {
needSaving = true;

// If there are unsaved tabs, dont close window yet, set closeAfterConfirm to true and close all tabs
if (needSaving) {
closeAfterConfirm = true;
for (var t:int = 0; t < tabData.length; t++) {
if (!needSaving) {

private function fontChange(evt:Event):void{
pref_fontsettings.fontfamily = fontWindow.fontCombo.selectedItem.fontName;
pref_fontsettings.fontsize = fontWindow.sizeStepper.value;

if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 0) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "normal";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "normal";
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 1) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "italic";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "normal";
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 2) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "normal";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "bold";
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 3) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "italic";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "bold";

pref_fontsettings.fontcolor = fontWindow.colorPicker.selectedColor;
pref_fontsettings.bgcolor = fontWindow.bgColorPicker.selectedColor;


private function updateFonts():void{
textArea.setStyle("fontFamily", pref_fontsettings.fontfamily);
textArea.setStyle("fontSize", pref_fontsettings.fontsize);
textArea.setStyle("fontStyle", pref_fontsettings.fontstyle);
textArea.setStyle("fontWeight", pref_fontsettings.fontweight);
textArea.setStyle("color", pref_fontsettings.fontcolor);
textArea.setStyle("contentBackgroundColor", pref_fontsettings.bgcolor);

lineCount.setStyle("fontFamily", pref_fontsettings.fontfamily);
lineCount.setStyle("fontSize", pref_fontsettings.fontsize);
lineCount.setStyle("fontStyle", pref_fontsettings.fontstyle);
lineCount.setStyle("fontWeight", pref_fontsettings.fontweight);
lineCount.setStyle("color", pref_fontsettings.fontcolor);
lineCount.setStyle("contentBackgroundColor", pref_fontsettings.bgcolor);

private function onTabClose(evt:Event):void {
var tabWidth:Number = tabBar.width / tabData.length;
var cIndex:int = Math.floor(tabBar.mouseX / tabWidth);
tabSelectedIndex = cIndex;

private function onListClose(evt:Event):void {
tabSelectedIndex = sideList.selectedIndex;

private function closeTab(index:int):void {
if (tabData[index].saved) {
if (!tabData[index].saved) {
Alert.show("Save " + tabData[index].title + " before closing?", "Confirmation", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, null, confirmClose);
function confirmClose(evt:CloseEvent):void {
if (evt.detail == Alert.YES) {
// TODO: call saving function here
}else {

private function removeTab(index:int):void {
// if this is the last tab, create a new empty tab
if (tabData.length == 1) {
tabData.addItem( { title:"Untitled", textData:"", saved:false } );
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] Tab closed: " + tabData[index].title;
tabSelectedIndex = tabBar.selectedIndex;
previousIndex = tabSelectedIndex;
textArea.text = tabData[tabSelectedIndex].textData;
textArea.selectRange(tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedAnchor, tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedActive);
if (closeAfterConfirm && tabsToClose == 0) {

private function doNew():void {
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] New tab created";
tabData.addItem( { title:"Untitled("+untitledNum+")", textData:"", saved:false } );
tabSelectedIndex = tabData.length - 1;

private function tabChange(from:String = "none"):void {
if (from == "tabbar") {
tabSelectedIndex = tabBar.selectedIndex;
if (from == "sidelist") {
tabSelectedIndex = sideList.selectedIndex;
tabData[previousIndex].textData = textArea.text;
tabData[previousIndex].selectedActive = textArea.selectionActivePosition;
tabData[previousIndex].selectedAnchor = textArea.selectionAnchorPosition;
previousIndex = tabSelectedIndex;
textArea.text = tabData[tabSelectedIndex].textData;
textArea.selectRange(tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedAnchor, tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedActive);

private function tabContextClose(evt:ContextMenuEvent):void{

private function tabContextCloseOther(evt:ContextMenuEvent):void {
var len:int = tabData.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i != rightclickTabIndex) {

private function tabRightClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var tabWidth:Number = tabBar.width / tabData.length;
var rcIndex:int = Math.floor(tabBar.mouseX / tabWidth);
rightclickTabIndex = rcIndex;

private function listRightClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var tabHeight:Number = 20;
var rcIndex:int = Math.floor((sideList.mouseY + sideList.scroller.verticalScrollBar.value) / tabHeight);
rightclickTabIndex = rcIndex;

private function onKeyDown(evt:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (evt.ctrlKey) {
// Ctrl+TAB - next tab
if (evt.keyCode == 9 && !evt.shiftKey) {
if (tabData.length - tabSelectedIndex > 1) {
// Ctrl+Shift+TAB - previous tab
if (evt.keyCode == 9 && evt.shiftKey) {
if (tabSelectedIndex > 0) {
// Ctrl+number (1-8) - go to numbered tab
if (evt.keyCode >= 49 && evt.keyCode <= 56) {
var num:int = evt.keyCode - 48;
if (tabData.length > num - 1) {
tabSelectedIndex = num - 1;
// Ctrl+9 - go to last tab
if (evt.keyCode == 57) {
tabSelectedIndex = tabData.length - 1;

private function closeSidePane():void{
pref_sidepane = !pref_sidepane

private function countLines():void {
if (pref_linecount && !pref_wrap) {
var totalLines:int = textArea.text.split("
if (totalLines != lineDisplayedNum) {
updateLineCount(totalLines, totalLines-lineDisplayedNum, lineDisplayedNum);
lineDisplayedNum = totalLines;

private function updateLineCount(total:int, difference:int, current:int):void {
if (difference > 0) {
for (var i:int = current + 1; i < (total+1); i++) {
lineNumbers += "
" + (i);
if (difference < 0) {
var charsInTheEnd:int = 0;
for (var u:int = 0; u < -difference; u++) {
charsInTheEnd += ((current - u).toString().length + 1);
lineNumbers = lineCount.text.substring(0, lineCount.text.length - charsInTheEnd);

private function updateLineScroll():void{
lineCount.scroller.verticalScrollBar.value = textArea.scroller.verticalScrollBar.value;

private function doPrint():void {
var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
if (!printJob.start()) return;
tempText.visible = true;
tempText.setStyle("lineBreak", "toFit");
tempText.text = textArea.text;
tempText.width = printJob.pageWidth;
tempText.heightInLines = NaN;
tempText.setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
tempText.setStyle("verticalScrollPolicy", "off");
printJob.printAsBitmap = false;
printJob.addObject(tempText, "matchWidth");
tempText.visible = false;

private function textChange():void{
canUndo = undoManager.canUndo();
canRedo = undoManager.canRedo();

private function doUndo():void {

private function doRedo():void {

<fx:XML id="windowMenu">
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="New" key="n" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Open" key="o" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem type="separator"/>
<menuitem label="Print" key="p" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Edit">
<menuitem label="Undo" key="z" controlKey="true" enabled="{canUndo}" />
<menuitem label="Redo" key="y" controlKey="true" enabled="{canRedo}" />
<menuitem type="separator"/>
<menuitem label="Cut" key="x" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Copy" key="c" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Paste" key="v" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem type="separator"/>
<menuitem label="Select all" key="a" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Settings">
<menuitem label="Word wrap" type="check" toggled="{pref_wrap}" />
<menuitem label="Font..."/>
<menuitem label="View">
<menuitem label="Tool bar" type="check" toggled="{pref_toolbar}" />
<menuitem label="Status bar" type="check" toggled="{pref_status}" />
<menuitem label="Line count" type="check" toggled="{pref_linecount}" />
<menuitem label="Side pane" type="check" toggled="{pref_sidepane}" />
<mx:ArrayCollection id="tabData">
<fx:Object title="Untitled" textData="" saved="false" seletedActive="0" selectedAnchor="0" />
<mx:ArrayCollection id="sidePaneData">
<fx:Object icon="@Embed(../lib/page.png)" tip="Tab management" />
<fx:Object icon="@Embed(../lib/folder_magnify.png)" tip="File browsing" />
<fx:Object icon="@Embed(../lib/book.png)" tip="Snippets" />
<mx:ArrayCollection id="sidePaneTabHeadings">
<fx:String>Tab management</fx:String>
<fx:String>File browsing</fx:String>

<s:Group width="100%" height="100%">
<s:TextArea id="textArea" width="{textWidth}" height="{textHeight}" y="{textY}" x="{textX}" lineBreak="{(pref_wrap)?(toFit):(explicit)}" click="cursorFix(); updateStatus();" change="updateStatus(); countLines(); textChange();" keyDown="updateStatus();" borderVisible="false" focusThickness="0" />
<s:Scroller horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" verticalScrollPolicy="off" width="{tabWidth}" y="{tabY}">
<custom:CustomTabBar id="tabBar" dataProvider="{tabData}" itemRenderer="CustomTab" height="22" tabClose="onTabClose(event);" change="tabChange(tabbar);" selectedIndex="{tabSelectedIndex}">
<s:HorizontalLayout gap="-1" columnWidth="170" variableColumnWidth="false"/>
<s:TextArea id="lineCount" width="{lineCountWidth}" text="{lineNumbers}" visible="{pref_linecount}" height="{textHeight}" y="{textY}" editable="false" selectable="false" mouseEnabled="false" textAlign="right" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" />
<mx:HBox id="toolBar" width="100%" backgroundColor="#dddddd" height="30" visible="{pref_toolbar}" paddingTop="2" paddingLeft="3">
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/page.png)" toolTip="New document" click="doNew();" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/folder_page.png)" toolTip="Open" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/disk.png)" toolTip="Save" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/disk_multiple.png)" toolTip="Save all" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/printer.png)" toolTip="Print" click="doPrint();" />
<s:Label text="|" fontSize="18" color="#bbbbbb" paddingTop="4" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/arrow_undo.png)" toolTip="Undo" enabled="{canUndo}" click="doUndo();" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/arrow_redo.png)" toolTip="Redo" enabled="{canRedo}" click="doRedo();" />
<s:Label text="|" fontSize="18" color="#bbbbbb" paddingTop="4" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/cut.png)" toolTip="Cut" click="doCut();" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/page_white_copy.png)" toolTip="Copy" click="doCopy();" />
<custom:IconButton icon="@Embed(../lib/paste_plain.png)" toolTip="Paste" click="doPaste();" />
<mx:Box id="sidePane" width="{sidePaneWidth}" y="{sidePaneY}" x="{sidePaneX}" height="{sidePaneHeight}" backgroundColor="#dddddd" visible="{pref_sidepane}" paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
<s:Label text="{sidePaneTabHeadings.getItemAt(sidePaneButtons.selectedIndex)}" width="{sidePaneWidth}" />
<mx:Image source="@Embed(../lib/bullet_go.png)" top="-4" right="15" click="closeSidePane();" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true"/>
<mx:ToggleButtonBar id="sidePaneButtons" dataProvider="{sidePaneData}" iconField="icon" width="{sidePaneWidth-10}" toolTipField="tip" />
<mx:ViewStack id="sidePaneStack" height="100%" selectedIndex="{sidePaneButtons.selectedIndex}">
<s:NavigatorContent id="tabs">
<custom:CustomList id="sideList" dataProvider="{tabData}" width="{sideContentWidth}" height="100%" itemRenderer="CustomListItem" selectedIndex="{tabSelectedIndex}" change="tabChange(sidelist);" tabClose="onListClose(event);" />
<s:NavigatorContent id="files">
<mx:FileSystemTree height="100%" width="100%" />
<s:NavigatorContent id="snippets">
<s:VGroup height="100%" width="100%">
<mx:Tree height="100%" width="100%" />
<s:Button width="100%" label="New snippet" />
<s:Button width="100%" label="Manage snippets" />
<s:TextArea id="tempText" borderVisible="false" visible="false"/>


Lets recap - we have working undo/redo functionality working for Cut and Paste commands. We still need to
a) add Undo/Redo functionality to normal text changes (such as typing text, going to new line, deleting text);
b) add Undo/Redo functionality to tab changes.

Thanks for reading!

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